Coronavirus Naples: here is the Nativity scene with doctors and nurses

Nativity figurines
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Coronavirus: directly from Naples the crib that pays homage to doctors and nurses!

 San Gregorio Armeno, the famous street in the historic center of Napoli is known worldwide for craft shops of the cribs, whose masters have created, over the years, cribs characterized by various characters: footballers, politicians, models and many others.

In this period of medical emergency caused by Coronavirus, the shops of San Gregorio Armeno have necessarily had to close. However the master crib Genny Di Virgilio, directly from his home, he wanted to pay homage to the true protagonists and heroes of this period.

The crib with doctors and nurses

Genny Di Virgilio has in fact used this period of forced quarantine to carry out his personal tribute to doctors and nurses, fundamental figures especially in this period, through the creation of two figurines.

The first one depicts a medical health insurance company with white coat and mask, while the second represents one woman in operating room outfit. Both figurines are wrapped in a tricolor and they carry in their arms, in what it wants to be an embrace, a boot that represents Italy.

A very special gesture, that of Genny di Virgilio, who declared that as soon as it is possible to reopen the shop, he will exhibit the figurines right in front of the Nativity.

Photo source: Corriere dello Sport


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Written by Serena De Luca
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