Museums open in Naples at Easter and Easter Monday: here are the timetables

Sala of the MANN of Naples
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The opening and closing times of the Naples museums for Easter and Easter Monday!

I museums of Naples will be open on the days of Easter and Easter Monday 2019 to allow the many tourists and all citizens to visit the permanent and beautiful collections international in progress, like that of Canova or that dedicated to Caravaggio.

On days of Sunday April 21 e On Monday April 22 times opening and closing they are the ordinary ones for almost all the museums, while some structures will remain closed in some cases.

They will be festivities to be lived to the full, also thanks to many events in Naples is for Easter Both for the Easter Monday.

Here are the timetables in detail.

Museum opening hours at Easter and Easter 2019

Certosa di San Martino Museum

Here are the hours of the Charterhouse and Museum:

21th April

8.30 - 17.00. Last entry 16.00 hours

22th April

8.30 - 17.00. Last entry 16.00 hours
The gardens are closed.

National archeologic museum

The timetable of the MANN:

21th April

9.00 hours - 19.30 last 19.00 entry

22th April

9.00 hours - 19.30 last 19.00 entry

You can visit the exhibition on Canova.

Museum of Capodimonte

The timetable of the Museum:

21th April

First floor (8.30-19.30) - Second and third floor (9.30-17.00)

22th April

First floor (8.30-19.30) - Second and third floor (9.30-17.00)

You can visit the exhibition dedicated to Caravaggio.

Deposits can be visited with the exhibition "Stories yet to be rewritten".

Wood of Capodimonte

21th April


22th April


Castel Sant'Elmo

Hours of the Castle:

21th April

8.30 hours - 19.00 last entry 18.30 hours

22th April

8.30 hours - 19.00 last entry 18.30 hours

Museo del Novecento

21th April

9.30 hours - 17.00 last entry 16.00 hours

22th April

9.30 hours - 17.00 last entry 16.00 hours

National Railway Museum of Pietrarsa

Opening hours Pietrarsa Museum:

21th April

Hours 9,30 - 19,30

22th April

Hours 9,30 - 19,30

Duca di Martina Museum

Museum Hours:

21th April

8,30 -17,00 hours last entry 16,15 hours

22th April

8,30 -14,00 hours last entry 13,15 hours

It is in progress exhibition dedicated to Harry Potter.


Opening hours Floridiana:

21th April

Hours 8,30 - 18,30

22th April

Hours 8,30 - 14,00

Villa Pignatelli

Opening hours Villa Pignatelli:

21th April

8.30 - 17.00 last entry 16.00 hours

22th April

8.30 - 17.00 last entry 16.00 hours

Girolamini Complex

Opening hours Girolamini:

21th April


22th April


Royal Palace of Naples

Opening hours Royal Palace:

21th April

9.00 - 20.00 last admission at 19.00

22th April

9.00 - 20.00 last admission at 19.00

MADRE Museum

Opening hours MADRE Museum:

21th April

10.00-20.00. The ticket office closes one hour earlier.

22th April

10.00-19.30. The ticket office closes one hour earlier.

Ruins of Pompeii

Pompeii Excavations Schedules:

21th April

8.30 - 19.30 (last 18.00 entry)

22th April

9.00 - 19.30 (last 18.00 entry)

Excavations of Oplontis and Stabia

Hours of the Excavations of Stabia and Oplonti

21th April

8.30 - 19.30 (last 18.00 entry)

22th April

8.30 - 19.30 (last 18.00 entry)

Excavations of Herculaneum

Hours of the Excavations of Herculaneum

21th April

8.30 - 19.30 (last 18.00 entry)

22th April

8.30 - 19.30 (last 18.00 entry)

Excavations of Boscoreale

21th April

8.30 - 19.30 (last 18.00 entry)

22th April

8.30 - 19.30 (last 18.00 entry)

Museum hours in Campania

Palace of Caserta

The timetable of the Palace of Caserta:

21th April

Historic apartments 8,30-19,30. 8,30-19 Park (last entry 18 hours).

22th April

Historic apartments 8,30-19,30. 8,30-19 Park (last entry 18 hours).

On both days the English Garden can be visited only upon reservation to be made at the ticket office. On Easter Monday the visit will be like this:

  • entry will be allowed only from the gate of Piazza Carlo III through the ticket office turnstiles (the gates of Corso Giannone, Ercole and via Mulini Militari are closed)
  • entrances are suspended for holders of an annual nominative ticket.

Charterhouse of San Giacomo, Capri

21th April

10.00 - 17.00. Last 16.30 entry

22th April

10.00 - 17.00. Last 16.30 entry

Villa Jovis, Capri

21th April

10.00 - 18.00 Last entry 17.15

22th April

10.00 - 18.00 Last entry 17.15

Georges Vallet Archaeological Museum, Sorrento

21th April

11.00-19.30. Useful input to the 18.30

22th April


Historical archaeological museum of Nola

21th April

9.00-19.30. Last entry to the 18.30.

22th April

9.00-19.30. Last entry to the 18.30.

Closure moved to April 23.

Certosa di San Lorenzo, Padula

21th April

9.00-19.30. Last entry to the 19.00

22th April

9.00-19.30. Last entry to the 19.00

National Archaeological Museum of the Sarno Valley, Sarno

21th April

9.00-19.00. Last entry to the 18.30

22th April

9.00-19.00. Last entry to the 18.30

Closure moved to April 23.

Roman theater of Teano, Teano

21th April


22th April


National Archaeological Museum of Pontecagnano, Salerno

21th April

9.00-19.00. Last entry to the 18.30

22th April

9.00-19.00. Last entry to the 18.30

Closure moved to April 23.

Archaeological Museum of ancient Capua and Mitreo, Santa Maria Capua Vetere

21th April

Museum: 9.00-19.30. Last entry 19.00 hours

Mitreo: 9.00-18.50. Last entry 17.50

22th April

Museum: 9.00-19.30. Last entry 19.00 hours

Mitreo: 9.00-18.50. Last entry 17.50

Closure moved to April 23.

Museum of the Palazzo della Dogana dei Grani, Atripalda

21th April


22th April


National Archaeological Museum of Eboli and the Middle Sele Valley, Eboli

21th April


22th April

8.30-14.00. Last entry 13.30 hours

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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